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What is Global Education?

Global education is an educational framework that...​​

  • enables people to understand the links between their own lives and those of people throughout the world

  • increases understanding of the economic, cultural, political, and environmental influences which shape our lives

  • develops the skills, attitudes, and values which enable people to work together to bring about change and take control of their own lives

  • works towards achieving a more just and sustainable world in which power and resources are more equitably shared

  • can be used at ANY grade level and content area​

Global education is NOT...

  • ​a new, separate content area that should be taught in isolation

  • yet another thing you need to “fit in".




Why do we need it?

1. Portland Public has a focus on racial equity. Teaching global citizenship is teaching for social justice:
2. Madison HS Mission Statement: "All students will graduate from Madison High School empowered with the skills and tools necessary to be successful in college and career." We need to prepare our students for the future:

How to Use This Guide

This Global Education Guide is intended for Portland Public Schools educators to find resources for globalizing their curriculum, assessing their practice using global standards, and connecting their classrooms to schools and communities across the globe.


The blog section includes my travel blog of my time in Indonesia, which discusses Indonesian culture, education, my reflections on my research question, and my personal experiences.


The Global Ed Resources section includes the technology available in our school system, some global education assessment tools,  some international project-based learning opportunities, a guide to resources available right here in the Pacific Northwest, and examples of how to globalize teaching standards, including a sample globalized unit plan


The Travel section includes resources for teachers to gain first hand global experiences through travel. 

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